Film and Video Editing Techniques - Assignment 1

Screen Shots Of Prelude

This screenshot is an example of me choosing my footage and Ingesting it into Prelude, this allows me to have a backup of my footage that was collected.
Once the file was ingested I sent it to premier pro and saved my work in prelude.
Here is showing me organizing my files into bins so that they are tidy and easy to access the bins are separated into different files contents, videos, images and audio this allows me to access specific thing that I want much easier. 

This is showing me changing the appearance of the footage by changing the temperature of scenes, contrast, exposure etc.

This is an a screenshot of my fixing and mixing the audio adding any more decibels if it was needed and making sure that all audio is correctly synced.
I am colour grading my footage so that I get the look that I want, certain scenes I want to look cold and dark and others I want to appear warm and brighter to add to the mood of the scene.


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