Pre-Production - Assignment 2

Assignment Diary

So far for my assignment I have thought of several ideas for the plot, location and dates for my short movie I have been asked to create. For my plot I have a range of ideas the genre is going to be either horror/thriller or emotive I think these two can give audiences very strong emotions when watching these types of genre also with horror there are certain ways to film and sound editing to build true suspense and this really interests me to try my best to build suspense through camera work. I will soon be creating a few storyboards to help plan out and visualize my short movie.

My location will simply just be my home, this is an easy simple location that is actually quite great for movies as it is a large house with some great looking rooms. For the date of my movie I will be filming on the 3rd of December, for equipment I booked out a Canon C100, boom pole and mic and a Steadicam I wanted a Steadicam as it can achieve very smooth professional looking shots, I can use this to help me achieve smooth moving in shots to help build suspense for my horror, the slow easing shots helps to build visual suspense along with a dark atmosphere. Kieran Atkins will be cast in my 1 minute short movie, I have yet to write my script and create my storyboard.

I have now created a storyboard to help visualize how my movie is going to look and what shots I might use, this gives me a basic showing for how my short will turn out.
During the making of my movie I wanted to show the expressions and feelings the character is showing so I wanted to close up shots to help show as much facial expression as possible. A dark atmosphere with only the TV light was essential for this movie as I wanted it to appear the the TV is the only important thing in the movie the only source in the film everything is lit up by the TV, also this is to basically show that the character is fully invested in what he is watching.
I tried using different types of movies to show (comedy, horror, romance) to get as many feelings out of the character as I could, at the end of the short I wanted him to go up close to the TV to help represent he has a certain connection with the particular scene out the movie which can help to give lots of theories like has he recently lost a relationship, or never been in one and has always dreamed of it ? I wanted it to be unanswered for the audience to make that decision themselves.
Here is a script that I have written for my movie it only involves shots and action as that is all that is is my short movie, a script is written to get all the dialogue and any action or expressions origanised and noted down.
Here is my scritp breakdown.
Heres is my call sheet for my movie.
This is my risk assesment that I carried out for my film.

With all the pre-work completed I am now orginised to begin the filming of my 1 minute short film.

In the post editing process I cut the shots and scenes I wanted together and discarded any I wasn't happy with, in this short I mainly use merges to change a scene this gives it a more naturally smooth transition than a choppy one, can also help add to the mood smooth transitions feel more relaxed than hard cuts, I also put the last scenes music quietly in the background of the scenes before it to help give the last scene a build up. For the sound in the film for the music I downloaded the music and imported it in then synced it to the picture instead of using the microphone to pick up the TV sound this made the film sound much better quality however I was not able to do this with the comedy scene from 22 jump street. In colour grading this movie for the opening scene I wanted the picture to appear with a reddish tint to it this was because the movie being displayed was deadpool and the movies theme colour is red so by adding the red tint to that scene I wanted to help add to the theme, when the comedy scene was on I gave the movie a natural colour but edited the picture of the TV so it wasn't over exposed as it displayed bright whites the shot of the character laughing at this scene I slowed down to help add to the mood and to help show his expressions, for the horror seen I gave a close up of the character to show the fear in his face and also added a dark and bluish colour tint as blue is associated with being darker and cold perfect for horror themes. and for the final scene I gave the film shot a warmish colour as the scene was a romance seen so I wanted positive warmish colours, and for the last shot I changed the contrast and exposure to darken it a bit and added a blue tint which made the shot look beautiful to see.

Here is my completed short film.


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