Photography Assignment 1

Photography Assignment

There are many types of photography all use similar techniques but the picture is taken of different subjects they also might have the same subject but it will appear differently as another type of photography for example documentary photography and advertisement photography could use the same subject but the frame would be different, in advertising the product would be made to appeal to people whilst documentary is to inform the viewer about the product or image in the picture. 

Advertising/promotional/fashion photography

Advertisement photography is used to help advertise and sell Items that the photo is displaying, in advertisement photography often the picture of the item is displayed to look more attractive and interesting than normal this is to help sell the product in the video. Advertisement can also be used to promote a business, a common method of taking advertisement for promoting a business is using architectural photography usually making the building look really good to help promote the business. This shows the business almost as a product itself.
Food is commonly taken photos of to help promote food on menus almost similar to catalogues its advertising its products this being food.
Fashion photography is a very well known type of advertisement photography as this type of advertisement gets shown constantly on TV, in magazines and in posters, there are many ways that this type of photography is shown some clothing in catalogues might be shown be itself when in others might be shown actually being worn by someone. Some types of this photography is to sell clothing and others is basically just to show new and unique trends.


In photojournalism this is used for story telling instead of using pen and paper which is used in journalism, Robert Capa is a well-known photojournalist who took a lot of photos of wars he believed that the closer you are to the subject the better the photo however as this was very risky he eventually died getting to dangerous by taking photos in a war that lead to his death. This type of photography gives you information about certain events or places visually.

Portraiture photography

In portraiture photography the idea is that you take pictures of a subject/person and try to express that subject as best as possible for example if you were to take photos of a person/subject as the subject you might want to concentrate and the person's facial expressions and features to give information about the person/subject, the background and of the picture would still remain in the photo though even though the main focus is not the background. In this type of photography it is normally a rehearsed photo meaning the photographer will have things set up in the photo and lots of different angels will be taken. Quite often in portraiture photography the subject is not a professional model this means that anyone can be involved in this type of photography. In this photography it can be taking in many different ways in black and white or full colour, sepia and more there is no boundries in this type of photography.

Street and studio photography

Street photography is similar to documentary photography as you are giving information about a certain thing, this is more specific though as it is based on random people around the streets, in this photography this is completely unrehearsed giving a very real life feel to it, the photos will often be of completely random people walking around in the street the aim of this is to show people's expressions and how they live, the point of this is that you can gain lots of information about someone just from a simple photograph, with this photography you can try to send the viewer a lot of messages through the photo by capturing action and emotions through the photo, these photos can really tell a story. Street studio is pretty much the same however these are rehearsed and are often taking on sets with actors.

Architectural photography

Architectural photography involves taking images of buildings to help represent the design and structure of that specific building. Any type of interior or exterior of a  building counts under architectural photography this means skyscrapers, bungalows, detached houses, terraces, any type of construction lies under this type of photography. usually this type of photography is used for advertisement purposes to promote a business in some way. The idea behind this photography is to try and express a building's design and structure as best as possible this means trying to make the aesthetics of the building and pleasing as possible. This photography is always used with lots of photography techniques (leading lines, rule of thirds, symmetrical shots).

Illustration photography

This type of photography really concentrates on artwork often this type of photography is used for movie posters, dvd/cd covers and book covers. This type of photography actually comes under as a type of advertisement photography as you can use it to advertise movies, music, ect. These images are heavily edited as they would not be achieved without any editing.

Fine art photography

In fine art photography the photographer himself will consider himself an artist as well as a photographer and his photography is his artwork his goal is to create a piece of art. Normally the photograph/art piece is an expression of that artist his emotions are put into that photo, the picture is based on the artist. This type of photography uses colour and saturation to express the mood and emotion in the photo, this can show lots of representations in the photos.

Documentary photography

This photography is used very often to convey a message to society for example pictures of a homeless person's life to help show people what it is like to live without a house and how lucky people are to have homes to go to, this photography captures moments in reality like street photography does. This can be used to convey any message from world hunger to wars to nature this photography can be any real life thing. Other types of photography come under this photojournalism and street photography are both types of documentary photography.

My Photography
Here is an example of an image that I have taken myself, this includes an architecture type of photography, as you can see the architecture I was concentrated on was the large construction in the centre of the photo, in this photo I used the rule of thirds to help me construct the image, this helped me to balance out and get the right composition for the image. after taking the image I did some work in post production, as you can see the before and after is quite intense, I did some serious colour editing and contrast change in this photo giving the photo a look of a beautiful sunset look when it was just a grey cloudy day I added in contrast to try and heighten the look of shadows and get those blacks deeper and richer, I also cropped the image slightly to help with the position of the construction in the image. For this image I used a canon 500D with a standard canon lens, I also used photoshop for editing the image that was all that was required to achieve this photo.


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