Music Video Directions

Silence for the start shot of the lift, lift then opens as the music starts.

First lyrics – “Talk to me, baby. X4 First character (Ryan) interaction long shot of him walking towards the camera and enters the first classroom.

Second lyrics – I’m quite sure that you never knew, all the pain that I’ve been through This is sung by the character as he enters into the room.

There are 4 symbol hits and this will be 4 different shots cut to the beat either shots of the character or 4 shots of all 4 characters as a teaser for them.  SHOT 1 – Ryan is doing a handstand, SHOT 2 – Ryan is dabbing in a random place. SHOT 3 – Ryan is stood on a table, SHOT 4 Teaser for morph man, OTHERS – shots of character from different angels.

Third lyrics – even this morning, looked outside my door, found your letter on the floor The same character will sing the words and has this happens might include a shot of the character looking outside the door, then cut back to present environment and throw the letter mentioned away.

Fourth lyrics – seven long years of moving through the streets, letting people in, but they don’t talk to me, they look right through When the word “streets in mentioned it will then cut to the character singing but on the streets with the exact same shot and then it will cut back when the next sentence starts. Someone will walk past the character and ignore them at the rest of the lyrics.

First CHORUS – when the beat drops for the main chorus beat the camera switches to another actor (Ruaridh Thomas) and he will be dancing in the editing room of the college.

Chorus Ends 

NEW VERSE “Sun comes up…” when the chorus ends it will speed up and enter the other room a new character will be introduced it will be someone in a morph suit (myself). Morph suit character will be on the table posing when you are introduced he will also pick up a cowboy hat and proceed to put it on. The character will proceed to follow the camera and dance to the music.

CHORUS 2 – Scenario 1: when the second chorus arrive morph suit will go back to where the other characters are to join a dancing spree together.
Scenario 2: We follow morph suit only and go through public places whilst dancing to the chorus.

Verse 3 – “Why can’t you change your mind...?” A character preferably the morph guy will high five a new character into shot this being Adam, we will then dance and sing to the verse going down the stairs.
Build up to drop – During the build-up there will be lots of different quick cuts put together of all the characters until the drop where it will stop cutting and stay on one, this will be of all the characters together or all separate.

Last CHORUS – During the last chorus the shots will be of all the characters in their locations dancing and they will all be switched between during the chorus.
Chorus ENDING LAST SCENE – All characters go into the lift at the start together and the last shot is of them going down the lift leaving the music as it fades out.

ADDITIONAL ENDING – All characters apart from morph man get into the lift and leave we then go to a shot of morph man going into the bathrooms, then Kev will come out of the bathrooms to reveal he was morph man.


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