Page And Layout Production Production File

Page And Layout Production File

I was asked to create a promotional video for my client (Clive Brooks), to go out to take interviews to explain the NHS bursary cuts. As I was doing the promotional video out of our group I am not able to write about any text processing.

The NHS currently gives out £4,500 to £5,500 of bursary cuts to its students working in nursing however it has been recently announced that in September 2017 a new funding system will be implemented which means the students will be charged for the course instead of getting the bursary money. This has raised a big question around that this was a very poor decision to be made. Which is why I have been asked to go out and collect data to show what people think about this situation, a way I did this was through vox pops.

When looking at stock footage the prices range between £30-£200 depending on quality of the video for example "shutter stock" a well-known stock video website sells SD clips for £34 and HD clips for £54 the clips that we made are all free saving money plus is also in HD and filmed with very high quality cameras (the camera that we used was a Canon C100). All of our content is self-shot and created.

Cost for images from "shutter stock" offers 25 images for costs around £180 which is pretty expensive other websites are cheaper for example "Stock Photo Secrets" sells 200 images for around £80 however with our self-made images it is completely free saving a lot of money also again we are using very high quality cameras to shoot any images with.

To prepare us to shoot some interviews we booked out all the required equipment this being a Canon C100 and a Rode microphone this enabled us to get high quality 1080p footage and high quality clear sound.

In this video we collected 2-3 interviews, the first was with Kevin Trundley our tutor, the second with Clive P Brooks who gave us this task and an extra one with our fellow student Jared Boyle, all three of these had very similar answers and all agreed that the NHS bursary cuts have made a negative impact to students interested in nursing. We have collected 2 vox pops the one already shown plus an extra one with more random students from the college. We shot this to try and show what peoples opinion is on this situation.

First I ingested the footage into prelude so that I had a backup of the footage I then sent it over to premier pro, this makes sure I have a copy of the footage so it is safe. I organised all the clips into bins so that it was all organised and so that I knew what I was working with.
The audio in the footage was very quiet so I edited it by gaining the decibels of audio to make the audio louder so that it was easier to hear.
When editing my footage we collected 30 minutes of footage, only 2 minutes of it is what we really needed so I have cut it down to the vital parts of the video the questionnaire collection parts of the video. I have slightly edited the visuals of the footage for example I adjusted the exposure so that it wasn't over exposed, I also changed the colour to make it look more professional and more presentable as the colour was a little off putting.
I have not added any text or information to this video however I would be able to do this if needed, other videos could also be made for this sector for example an explanation video could be made to explain to people what the NHS bursary cuts are and how it affects people.
Text could be added to this video to add some information.
Any blurry or fuzzy images were sharpened in post so that it would appear clear and sharp as some shots appeared a little fuzzy at times.
Another small tweek I made do the footage was that I took down some of the saturation in the video and high saturation can look very over the top and ugly, a low amount of colour makes a video look quite stylish and proffesional and more cinematic, it generally looks better to audiences.
Here is the edited vox populi.

We also collected an extra interview with one of our clients students, he had a strong opinion on this subject, for this we filmed it in a film studio so that it added more proffesionalism to the video.
This involved a proffesional set of lights meaning we could light the area very effectively unlike in the other video also we were able to position all the cameras in the right spot in a tripod and also have a plain black background for no distractions. In this video we also added some text to give out some information this includes the persons name that is being interviewed and what course he is doing, his course is very relevant to this subject as he might get effected by this problem.


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