
Showing posts from March, 2017

Music Video Directions

Silence for the start shot of the lift, lift then opens as the music starts. First lyrics – “ Talk to me, baby. X4 ” First character (Ryan) interaction long shot of him walking towards the camera and enters the first classroom. Second lyrics – “ I’m quite sure that you never knew, all the pain that I’ve been through ” This is sung by the character as he enters into the room. There are 4 symbol hits and this will be 4 different shots cut to the beat either shots of the character or 4 shots of all 4 characters as a teaser for them.  SHOT 1 – Ryan is doing a handstand, SHOT 2 – Ryan is dabbing in a random place. SHOT 3 – Ryan is stood on a table, SHOT 4 Teaser for morph man, OTHERS – shots of character from different angels. Third lyrics – “ even this morning, looked outside my door, found your letter on the floor ” The same character will sing the words and has this happens might include a shot of the character looking outside the door, then cut back to present enviro

Bullying Assignment

Cyber Bullying FAQ's: 1.  How can people have their personal information obtained?  When people put information about them on a website and the information has not had any security settings applied, that information about that person is public and everyone can obtain the information that is displayed for example: age, location etc. 2.   What are different forms of cyber abuse?   There are roughly 8 forms of cyber bullying that are known the first one being "harassment" this means that people are repeatedly sending malicious messages to someone online, the second one being "cyber stalking" which is continuingly harassing or even just messaging someone abusive content with threats of physical harm or for them to meet up to appear innocent when they are not, third being "impersonation" when the messenger pretends to be someone there aren’t tricking the person who revives the messages, the fourth one being "trickery" when someone

Understanding the regulation of the creative media sector

Regulation In Media Media needs to be regulated so that the huge industry is successfully and effectively managed, as this industry needs to be controlled. Regulation in media holds many policies these enable content to be viewed by the right people so that certain content cannot harm anyone. A way that media can be regulated is through classification this is preventing underage people from being able to access content that is unsuitable for their age by rating content and keeping certain content under rules such as late screenings or age restrictions, as this could possibly cause harm psychologically and maybe harm there development as a person if the content is rated possibly harmful to them, this method keeps people safe from these occurrences these occurrences. There is censorship which is removing content from any public source so that it cannot be seen by anyone, this can keep people safe from watching disturbing content that is most likely not wanted to be viewed. &quo