Music Video Directions
Silence for the start shot of the lift, lift then opens as the music starts. First lyrics – “ Talk to me, baby. X4 ” First character (Ryan) interaction long shot of him walking towards the camera and enters the first classroom. Second lyrics – “ I’m quite sure that you never knew, all the pain that I’ve been through ” This is sung by the character as he enters into the room. There are 4 symbol hits and this will be 4 different shots cut to the beat either shots of the character or 4 shots of all 4 characters as a teaser for them. SHOT 1 – Ryan is doing a handstand, SHOT 2 – Ryan is dabbing in a random place. SHOT 3 – Ryan is stood on a table, SHOT 4 Teaser for morph man, OTHERS – shots of character from different angels. Third lyrics – “ even this morning, looked outside my door, found your letter on the floor ” The same character will sing the words and has this happens might include a shot of the character looking outside the door, then cut back to present en...